Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Can Rosemary Help You Have Sharper Memory? Here’s What Studies Reveal

According to a study conducted in the University of Northumbria, one of the greatest benefits of rosemary essential oil is its ability to boost one’s memory. This is a very interesting discovery, as it could potentially help people who are experiencing memory problems.

Facts about Rosemary Herb

Even thousands of years ago, the herb rosemary was considered by the ancient Greeks to be very helpful in boosting one’s memory. In fact, rosemary was used to symbolize loyalty, love, and is also used to ward off evil spirits.

At present, rosemary oil is a popular ingredient in cooking in making various traditional herbal medicines. This essential oil is widely used to relieve sore throats, cough, as well as the discomfort caused by cystitis in women.

The Study on Rosemary Smell

In the experiment conducted to prove the effectiveness of smelling the aroma of rosemary essential oil, 66 healthy adults were invited to participate. Drops of rosemary essential oil were scattered around the room were the participants were asked to stay. The participants were randomly sent to the room with rosemary oil, and the others in a room with no scent.

The two groups were given memory tests, such as finding items they’d seen being hidden earlier. The scores given to them were determined according to the amount of help their needed to complete the tasks.

Questionnaires were also given to evaluate their mood, and blood tests to see whether or not elements of the essential oil entered their bloodstream.

The Results

The results of the study revealed that those who entered the room with the scent of rosemary oil performed better in the memory tests. They were able to carry out their tasks according to the instructions and on time as well.

So what do these results mean to ordinary people? Well, the tests showed that inhaling the smell of rosemary essential oil can improve a person’s ability to remember things. According to the researchers, the ability to remember what we are doing, where we are going, and why we are doing things can significantly improve a person’s confidence levels and lifestyle.

The results of studies like this one also gave researchers more reasons to further learn about the benefits of rosemary essential oil especially in improving the memory of older people who are experiencing memory decline.

Where to Find Pure Rosemary Essential Oil

The market is full of aromatherapy products such as essential oils. Thus, you have to be extra careful when buying rosemary oil and other essential oils. For pure and beneficial essential oils, Juju Aroma is where you should go. Juju Aroma is one of the leading and most reputable suppliers of rosemary essential oils and other natural oils.